White Space


In the world of design, white space is not merely blank space. Despite sometimes being referred to as “negative”, white space has significant purpose. When used correctly, it’s an important and effective aspect of overall composition. White space helps to expose what deserves our attention.

It is the spaces in between that enable us to breathe and observe. It is the spaces in between that truly define.

What is the importance of creating and protecting white space (i.e. time for quiet, thinking, reflecting) in our day? Having this time helps to open our eyes and provides clarity to help us focus on what truly matters. In a world of reactivity, it is white space that creates the room for being proactive. With reduced noise we gain greater ability to zero in on what matters to us, not what the world defines as important.

There is often discomfort in down time. At the start, we reach for (insert your favorite distraction here ________) to provide comfort and security. In time, we find that stillness has the ability to be perfectly perfect.

Crafting our day to include mindful down time (white space) helps to provide room for thought and creativity. Both being human functions critical in the development of our personal story and how we build our legacy.